Abandoning my book--my precious--and my blog means that some pretty serious *stuff* is happening in my real-world life. You'll have to take my word for it. Alternatively, you can read the excuses below. One or none may be responsible for my absence!
1. I saw this billboard and spent a whole frantic week preparing for the beginning of the end.
2. I followed the advice of a horoscope that warned me not to communicate with anyone outside of my family until the stars aligned two notches southwest of the coordinates east of the red dwarf White Dwarf.
3. I died, figuratively. Good news: I didn't die literally.
4. A meteor fell through my roof, destroying my computer and all of its content, and it took me this entire week to type my book into a new word document from a hard copy.
Oh. And to help you eliminate ONE of the excuses above, here is my response to yesterday's "Rapture-that-didn't-happen," purely for your entertainment.
All it takes is one cunning fox to convince a lot of gullible chickens that the SKY IS FALLING!
Joanne · 722 weeks ago
scarlet · 722 weeks ago
Research Paper · 720 weeks ago