Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gaming Gabby: Audiobook Challenges

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day.

This is Gaming Gabby here, making her DEBUT POST on the Lit Express. Can I just say how super excited I am to be a part of this blog: I’m SUPER EXCITED!

Who am I, you ask? What do I do?

Games, my friend. That’s what I do. I’m The Lit Express’s very own book-challenge-doer! That’s right. Whenever I make an appearance, that means I’ve started another challenge and want to tell you about it so you can join me! Because games are NOT fun if you have to play by yourself. I need competition!

Of course, many book challenges require lots of reviews and extra posts and all the contributors here just have too much cool stuff to write about, so in an effort to not hog all the fun on this blog, I’ve made my own. So follow my progress at Gaming Gabby’s Book Challenge Blog where I’ll keep track of all the challenges I’m doing, and the reviews I’ve posted for those challenges. And who knows? Maybe one day The Lit Express will host its own book challenge…

So, for the first order of business, I have joined not one, but TWO book challenges. Madness, you say! Indeed. But, they are very similar, so I figured, why not? Information can be found below and also, on my blog.

Challenge 1:

Whisper Stories in my ear hosted by: Bewitched Bookworms

Basic Info. (Copied directly from the source. If you’re planning on participating, check out their post and sign up!):

1) Your goal is to read at least twelve (12) audiobooks (no matter the length). Twelve is the minimum to be entered in the Grand Prize at the end of the Year.

2) Although one review is the minimum to be entered, the more reviews you post each month the more chances you get to win the monthly prize. The monthly prizes includes gift cards from where you can buy audiobooks - like Amazon, iTunes, Barnes&Nobles and Audible. Plus, we will also have some MP3 players in the monthly prizes and other stuff that has something to do with audiobooks. You know how we Bookworms like to get creative with the prizes....

3) Throughout the year, as you add your reviews in, you'll be eligible for level badges based on how many hours of audiobook listening you've logged.

We'll unveil those images as we go, but the levels are as follows:

100 hours: Whispering My Love
200 hours: Can't Keep Quiet
300 hours: Singing It From The Mountain Tops
400 hours: Megaphone Shout

4) Sign up for the challenge before January 1st and get entered to win an introductory account at Audible with two free downloads. Winner will be announced January 1st so you can start listening right away!

Challenge Two:

2011 Audiobook Challenge hosted by: Teresa's Reading Corner

Basic Info. (Copied directly from the source. If you’re planning on participating, check out their post and sign up!):

The 2011 Audio Book Challenge will run from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.


Curious: 3 Audio Books
Fascinated: 6 Audio Books
Addicted: 12 Audio Books
Obsessed: 20 Audio Books

Choose your level of participation and add your name. Over the course of the year I'm going to try to put together some fun things. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Gaming Gabby's goals:

20 Audio Books! That's right, I'm aiming for Obsessed! :) I don't have a to-read list, but I'll keep you posted.

Is anybody else going to participate in any one of these challenges? Let me know, so I can keep myself posted about your progress, too!

Happy gaming!